Anna Price Petyarre
Other Names: Pitjara
Born: 1965
Region: Central Desert
Community: Utopia
Language: Anmatyerre
Medium: Acrylic on canvas/linen.
Subjects: Yam Seed, Wildflower, Bush Potato, Emu.
At AAIA we are proud of our relationship with the Aboriginal artists we work with. We are fortunate to be positioned in an area of Darwin that is in close proximity to several key Indigenous art sites. As such, we are able to see artists at work as they create dramatically rich visual stories. Their entire artistic practice is informed by the forty thousand year Dreamtime histories and the diverse stories that have come out of the peoples of our great land. You can even watch the process of an Aboriginal artist at work, whilst being in our gallery. On occasion some artists prefer to paint in our gallery. And due to our years of experience working with Aboriginal artists we can advise if you like a certain type of artist other paintings they have painted.
Other Names: Pitjara
Born: 1965
Region: Central Desert
Community: Utopia
Language: Anmatyerre
Medium: Acrylic on canvas/linen.
Subjects: Yam Seed, Wildflower, Bush Potato, Emu.
Abie Loy Kemarre began painting in 1994 she is the granddaughter of famous artist, Kathleen Petyarre who imparted the methodology for creating the depth-of-field of tiny shimmering dots in her highly delicate, paintings.
Other Names: Audrey Morton Born: 1952 Group: Alyawarre Country: Ngkwarlerlanetne Area: Ngkwarlerlanetne Medium: Silk
Born: 12/4/1962 Community: Tjukkula, Western Desert Language Bloc: Western
Born: 1988 Region: Mulga Bore, Central Desert Area: Utopia Community:
Born: 1957 Region: Central Desert Community: Utopia Outstation: Atnwengerrp
Date of Birth: 4/4/1960 Region: Gunbalanya (Oenpelli) Area: Western Arnhem
Alternative Spellings: Charlie Djurritjini Juritjini, Djurrtjini, Djurrutjini Date of
Group Exhibitions2017 2017, Desert Mob Show, Araluen Galleries, Alice Springs
Dob: 1/1/1943 Region: Gunbalanya (Oenpelli) Country: Kudjekbinj, Djalbangurr Language: Kunwinjku
Dob: 19/07/1985 Region: Tanami Desert Community: Nyirripi Art Centre: Warlukurlangu
Also Known As: Durrurrnga Born: 1936 Died: Sept 2016 Region: Central Arnhem Land
Dob: 1/1/1943 Region: Gunbalanya (Oenpelli) Country: Kudjekbinj, Djalbangurr Language: KunwinjkuLanguage
Alternative Spelling Djukululu, Djugulu, Djugulul, Born: 10.06.1942 Community Centre: Ramingining
Born: c. 1935 Region: Western Desert Community Centre: Kintore Outstation
Dob: 1991 Skin name: Japaljarri Language: Luritja, Pintubi Region: Kultakatjara, Western Desert Area: Haasts
May – Oct (Dry Season)
Monday – Friday: 9.30am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9.30am – 2:30pm
Sunday: 10am – 2:30pm
Nov – April (Wet Season)
Monday – Friday: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am – 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed